Saturday 13 April 2013

Vegetarian Tomato Cream Pasta

Another very simple pasta dish using a frying pan instead of a saucepan to make the cream sauce. This results in a much thicker neutral sauce allowing the natural flavour of seasonal tomatoes to come through.

Preparation time 20-30min
Serves: 2-3
Fresh Coriander (Cilantro)
Brined Black Olives
FRESH!! tomatoes, do not use canned for this recipe as the colour will 'bleed'
200ml Cream
Salt, pepper

The quantities are less important here as you can add more or less based purely on your tastes and on what is available in your garden or local produce market

Butter fry diced onion and olives until brown then add water, cream and season. Heat till bubbles are visible then add sliced cilantro, diced tomatoes and boiled penne. Fold the mixture, over heat, until even.

Serve and enjoy

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